To work effectively, Civil 3D software requires a myriad of data, including templates, libraries, subassemblies, and more. Now add in a need for users to be mobile. How can someone possibly understand what all this data is, keep it up to date, and enable users to work off-network—all with company standards in place? That’s where this class comes in. We’ll summarize best practices for configuration of all files required to make Civil 3D run like clockwork, including easy tool-palette configuration and flexible AutoCAD profile management. We’ll use scripts to set up a simple file-syncing system between users and the server, enabling them to work off-network with all company standards in place. When users log back in, they’ll automatically get any updates made to the standards. Sound like a dream? It’s not. The speaker has implemented this at many other firms, saving time and money and bringing a new meaning to the phase “CAD Standards.” All you need to do is show up to this class!
Key Learnings
- Learn how to effectively set up all possible CAD content required for Civil 3D
- Learn how to configure a mobile-friendly, local setup from scratch
- Learn how to build a standards setup that makes CAD content management a breeze
- Learn how to create Windows Script to keep CAD content up to date for all users