
Immersive BIM in Real Time | Julien Faure

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Immersive BIM in Real Time

What if you could create immersive 3D experiences from your BIM models in real time? Julien Faure introduces the Unity Reflect platform.


In a recent survey, 97% of AEC professionals said that they expected real-time 3D experiences to revolutionize their workflows, but only 19% said they were actually using them. Why? Because until now it’s simply been too difficult to write the scripts and prepare the BIM data, and important metadata was often lost in translation. But with the release of Unity Reflect, a fully customizable development platform created through a partnership between Unity and Autodesk, you can create fully immersive 3D experiences in real time. Julien Faure of Unity shares how this can impact every step of the AEC process, from design and construction into operations and maintenance, and shares examples from companies who are already putting the platform into action.

About the speaker

As product marketing director for Unity, Julien Faure is helping to transform how products, buildings, and infrastructure are designed, made, and used leveraging real-time 3D technology. He holds degrees from ISC Paris and the University of Northern Iowa.

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